The Feast of Corpus Christi is a feast of the Catholic Church to celebrate the Eucharist, whose purpose is to proclaim and increase the faith of Catholics.
It takes place between the months of May and June, 60 days after Easter Sunday. This festivity originated in Liege (Belgium) when the nun Julienne de Comillon had a vision that interpreted the need for a celebration of the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Once it reached the ears of the bishop of Liège Robert de Theorette in 1246, the first Corpus Christi could not be celebrated until then.
Als die Spanier in der Stadt Cusco ankamen, waren sie überrascht, als sie erfuhren, dass die Kinder der Sonne eine heilige Zeremonie durchführten, bei der sie ihre Mumien in einer Prozession trugen. Die Spanier verstanden den Sinn der heiligen Zeremonie nicht und hielten sie für ein heidnisches Fest. Sie beschlossen, die verehrten Überreste der Inka durch Bilder katholischer Jungfrauen und Heiliger zu ersetzen. Die Inkas führten jedoch ihre authentischen Tänze, ihre Musik und ihr typisches Essen ein. So begann das Fronleichnamsfest in der Stadt Cusco.
Currently, its central day is a Thursday (movable date). It begins on the Wednesday before the central day, with the departure of the 15 saints and virgins, from their respective parishes in the direction of the Cathedral of Cusco, these 15 images are accompanied by groups of dancers and bands of musicians from each neighborhood. When the 15 images arrive at the Cathedral the same day, they stay there until the following day.
On Thursday, the tour begins with a silver float that displays the sacred host in its gold and silver monstrance. Behind it, one by one, the saints and virgins come out, accompanied by hundreds of devotees. Also others take the opportunity to taste the typical Cusquenian dish: "El Chiriuchu" or cold chili, which is an exquisite and very significant dish.
Definitely in this festival the faith beats in the hearts of those who attend, giving a clear example of syncretism between the old and the new world, where the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, mixed with gratitude to the Pachamama, Tayta Inti and other Andean divinities, who have managed to survive in the hearts of the descendants of the Inca culture.
These are the 15 saints and virgins that go out in procession:
- San Antonio of the parish of San Cristobal.
- San Jerónimo of the parish of the district of San Jerónimo.
- San Cristóbal of the parish of San Cristóbal.
- San Sebastian of the parish of the district of San Sebastian.
- Santa Barbara of the parish of the district of Poroy.
- Santa Ana of the parish of Santa Ana.
- Santiago Apóstol de la parroquia de Santiago.
- San Blas of the parish of San Blas.
- San Pedro of the parish of San Pedro.
- St. Joseph of Bethlehem parish.
- Virgin of the Nativity of the parish of Almudena.
- Virgen de los Remedios of the church of Santa Catalina.
- Purified Virgin of the parish of San Pedro.
- Virgin of Bethlehem of the parish of Bethlehem.
- Virgin of the Immaculate Conception also called "La Linda de la Catedral".

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