Esta festividad inicia el 29 de marzo, con el Domingo de Ramos, el Arzobispado de la ciudad de Cusco realiza una misa de comunión a las 08:30 a.m. en la Basílica de la Catedral, poco a poco toda la gente se concentra, para escuchar la santa ceremonia y prepararse espiritualmente para recibir la semana santa. El día central es el lunes santo (30 de marzo), se dan varias misas de 1 hora cada una, desde la 6.00.am hasta las 2.00pm en la Catedral. Más tarde empieza la procesión del Señor de los Temblores que sale de la Catedral de Cusco y hace su recorrido por las calles del centro de la ciudad. Cerca de 80 mil devotos asisten y reciben la bendición del santo.
The story goes that an earthquake struck Cusco on the afternoon of May 31, 1960, causing damage to houses and streets of the city, it was then that the people of Cusco in desperation began to remove one by one, images of saints of the temples and chapels, however, the telluric movement did not stop.
Thus, when the image of the Holy Christ of the Good Death that rested in the Chapel of Triumph was taken out, the earth movements began to calm down. Since then this saint, acquires the name of Patrón Jurado del Cusco (El Señor de los Temblores), currently is in the Cathedral of the city. The black color that has, is due to the smoke of the candles that were impregnated in his body.
On Holy Tuesday, at 10:00 a.m. a Solemn Chrism Mass is celebrated, with the attendance of all the Diocesan Priests and Religious in the Cathedral of Cusco. On Holy Wednesday, at 4:00 p.m. confessions and activities are held in the different parishes of the Archdiocese Holy Easter Triduum.
On Holy Thursday, there is a Solemn Mass of the Institution of the Eucharist and the Priesthood with a Procession to the Monument (Temple of the Holy Family) at 3:00 p.m. On Good Friday, very early in the morning, Catholics get up early and go up to the hills to collect a variety of plants and herbs that will serve to purify their bodies and souls. Also, the thorns that each devotee places behind their doors so that evil does not enter.
Also on the same day, Catholics prepare and taste the 12 traditional dishes such as lawa (corn mazamorra), sudado de trucha (trout stew), fruit stews, among others. It is said that these 12 dishes represent the 12 apostles.
On Holy Saturday or Saturday of Glory (April 4) the Solemn Easter Vigil is celebrated at 7:00 p.m. in the Cathedral and on April 5, Easter Sunday, an Easter Mass is held to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus, closing the religious activity.

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